Pain in the…knee
The knee is the largest joint in your body. It is the one that bears most of our weight. It’s a tough joint but can often cause us the most problems. And today was my day. I actually have no real idea what happened. I was standing in the kitchen chatting with a friend when suddenly I had a sharp pain just below the knee cap. Looking back, I am sure it was the high heel shoes I had on. 😒 I don’t normally wear heels, but I was in a hurry and just grabbed the first pair of shoes I could get my hand on.
So I came home, put some ice on it, sat in the hot tub, and then rubbed it down with some Deep Blue rub and that seemed to help. But then I woke up this morning and BAM! I can hardly stand on it 😢. It’s going to be hard to run with this…in fact, there will be no running. But that is actually ok.
Since my official training doesn’t begin for a couple of more months, I am working on just staying fit. Thus the pool will be my best friend for a while. After using some more Deep Blue rub I tried the bike and it didn’t seem to bother it. This is good because biking is my weakest link and now I have an excuse to ride more and run less.
to improve my overall biking speed and endurance. That will be at least 12 weeks. Plenty of time for the knee pain to go away.
I strongly dislike growing older…I have a lot more pain than I used too and it takes longer to heal. But I know that with proper rest, nutrition, and the right mindset, I can overcome this “setback” and be successful. Here’s to training…💕